Traditional Against Modern Martial Arts

Which is much better, the Traditional Martial Arts or the Modern Martial Arts. This is one of the questions comparing to different times. We all know that we can’t bring the past to the future. Seems like people likes to mesmerizing and wondering who would when in a match of two different times. Computer games, simulates a character from past and the present fighters which may take them to assume their conclusion who was much better fighter. And somehow also triggers me to asking “who was much better martial artist, the Traditional Martial Arts or the Modern Martial Arts?”

 I search names from the history which tag as a Greatest Warrior and these three fill my list. One, Masutatsu Oyama ( Choi Yeung-Eui ) a Korean Migrant to Japan who was the founder of Kyokushinkai. Oyama fought and won almost all the Karate Masters of Japan to test his Martial Arts. He trained himself with traditional training which includes punching and kicking either wood or clay. These martial art focuses Strength, Judo, and powerful blows. Imagine Punching wood or clay that would make your hands hard as steel if broke either of these two.

Second, was Bruce Lee, the famous actor and a martial artist founded Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee was known how powerful side kick and Modernity of his style which also known to be first mixed martial arts at that there time. But, what makes it Jeet Kune Do specialize on its quick reflexes and quick powerful blows.

And the last one is Ip Man, the legendary instructor of Bruce Lee and known to be the founder of Wingchun Martial Arts. Technically, these martial arts were taken from woman fighting style but every effective during when it needed. Traditionally, they have their wooden dummy used for their training.

Compared to modern martial arts, we have the privileges using the modern equipment that we could use unlikely to the traditional which is very brutal. We have the gears to wear during the fight. Then there’s nothing to compare-off, because everything was way too different between times. Just be thankful that Traditional Martial Arts were founded to be the foundation of the Modern Martial Arts.

Even, how the modern the world has changed there are still traditions that’s will respected and practiced together with the modern one. There are schools of Martial Arts in London that teaches modern and traditional styles like wingchun. Although, wingchun was not known for Mixed Martial Arts fight but it’s very effective use for self defence.

Self defence classes in London gyms are widely spreading teaching both modern and traditional practice in martial arts that surely gives you a lot more values. Martial Arts is not only in the art of fighting but also the art of accepting, respecting, discipline, and the art of life.

About bellefaithwilliams

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