Am I Healthy?

We are use to ask and thinking “Am I healthy?” we are in front of the mirror. This is one of the million questions inside our head. But, are we healthy?

If we like to measure, how healthy we are is on our physical body. The curves, muscles and etc. are the indications that we are healthy. Is really the indicator? I think not. Being healthy is not only how tone of our body it is the lifestyle we had. There are body builders having heart problems besides their physical structures. Models got some heart problems. Athletes getting paralyze. Bodies are really decisive from its appearance. Being healthy doesn’t mean you should be in the best appearance of your body.

A healthy food is really the key to have healthy body. But eating healthy isn’t just the solution from what you are looking for. Daily or routine exercise helps to. Exercise burns extra fats into our body from sweating and reflex our muscles from being stress. Chinese has a kind of lifestyle that takes them the very best of their years. The secret isn’t not how long the noodles is, it is in their lifestyles. They tend to have their lifestyle with healthy foods, even fatty foods, and their daily routines. In their routines includes exercises that really gives them the strength on their years. Why we couldn’t be like they are? Just because we are deceive from what we think it is. Next to this are the promises of the ads we see on the TV. Would you really believe taking those products could make us healthy? Maybe being tone, but not healthy.

From our own we could give ourselves a reward of being healthy. Eating the right amount and kind of foods, taking the right supplements and vitamins, the routine exercises prepared every day. Exercises could be stretch to its difficulties that our body could manage, and lastly slightly avoid those vises and unhealthy habits.

If you have problems looking for the right food, you could visit your nutritionist or you could do it by yourself by reading the nutrient amount of each food products and don’t forget prefer to organic foods. In your routine exercises, you could find lots of London gyms offers healthy routines. But, you could also enroll self defence classes in London for extra learning. Like Chinese, there routine exercises like Tai Chi Chuan and Wingchun.

Wingchun London gyms are quietly spreading. There is a gym that offers winchun classes but some gives little bit extra like having some basic or even advance classes of mixed martial arts. That frequently enrolled by many. Anyways, martial art exercise routines are very helpful physically, mentally, and socially healthiness. You could include this in to your healthy.

Add Exercise in Your Daily Routine

Stress could kill? A big YES somehow we tend to forget about our health in a busy week. Eating meals could be forgotten and just eat a little remedy what we called snack just to push through to the deadlines and to get into the quota. Having sleepless nights and weirdest dreams working ideas while sleeping, fortunately not sleep walking. How this bad manners of our, could affect in our health especially on the corporate world and our work?

Most stressful work would be on the desk and looking into the monitor and typing data on the keyboard with lots, lots of papers on the table. Can imagine what life it could be rather than working on the Jacky with dirty machines just waiting for the bell with no over time. But, every kind of work is still the same and it is stressful. Religions offer one day a week for God, but mostly it is a holiday. Take a good rest to spend with your love ones or just a day for a good rest. Is it healthy?

We need to eat our meal and drink water to gain kinds of strength or energy for our daily life. We even take some supplements and vitamins everyday to sustain a healthy living. But we forget one thing, EXERCISE. Why do we need exercise by the way? Exercise is a great way to live life fully. We all know exercise has many benefits not to our body only but to our mind and soul also. You can read more just follow this link.

Chinese believe having a good exercise everyday what they called Kung Fu could give them long life together with the food that they are eating and that’s noodles and rice. But, what they called kung fu has tons of different styles, forms, and etc. even a very lethal weapon for their foes. Modern Chinese Kung Fu or Martial Arts now are known for self defence, exercise and even to sports. It’s healthy and enjoyable to learn and creating or recreational way side of our life not just doing our work.

This martial arts or kung fu lessons London has it, offered by different schools with different techniques in Martial Arts. You could give an hour a day or alternating days could give you some relief from stress and create more social to person suffered from stress having healthy time for their life like you. It won’t be necessarily you should fight to learn but is also an ease to release stressful energy in your body. Martial arts in London offer a healthy lifestyle and knowledge about self defence on the streets. Live a life with a happy smile and a healthy living. It’s important, life has a single chance and no other chances offered.

Exciting Way To Lose Weight

Getting in shape isn’t healthy as we think of it. There are plenty of ways to get what shape you’ve desired. Weight loss through sweating wasn’t just the best thing to do. Losing a lot of fluids in our body could result to dehydration that’s why we need the right amount of water. Having a diet by not eating a meal could result in weight loss but could be harmful. There are too many ways to lose weight. But the best among of those ways is discipline and perseverance.

A desire to have a great shape isn’t just that simple. There are lots of ways to get in shape but all aren’t healthy. Even though isn’t healthy there are still a lot of persons choose to get it in instant shape, but temporarily. Instant shape wasn’t healthy enough to sustain your body’s metabolism and energy. Imagine you aren’t use to this things way back before you get this instant shape. Being fit should be getting healthy. Being fit will take time to be in your perfect shape. Perseverance is the thing to be what you want and to be healthy as you will be.

Eating healthy with the right and amount of foods is the best way to lose weight. You don’t have to deprive yourself from eating foods. But, you have just to limit yourself not depriving it. You just have to burn those fats from what you are eating by having an exercise or a work out. You have to discipline yourself to get in shape.

Most of the martial artists have this kind of ability. They should have to discipline there selves to be fit and to maintain their performance. They have the perseverance to do all the routines just to be fit especially during their training before the match. We aren’t fighters like them but we could do this as the same for winning against illnesses.

Self defence London gyms doesn’t just offer to teach you martial arts for self defence but also the proper way to be fit. It’s also a good attributes of getting fit having practice mates also aiming for a better lifestyle. It’s a good way competition that simulates your brain that you aren’t alone who wants to get fit and master self defence skills. It would be exciting every time you will be entering in the gym and meeting persons has the same goal.

But, this exercises were just you’re guide to have a healthy living the most important thing start with is your decisions and your well. Self defence, martial arts, or kung fu lessons London gyms are just one of the best ways to lose weight and how to enjoy life with better wellness.

Instant Lifestyle, Healthy?

It would be a battle every day from work, studies, projects, dates, and etc. So, we do eat in instant to prepare ourselves for the battle. But, do we really eat healthy. I guess not. Almost of our food for today’s living is made in instant. These instant foods are processed not to be rotten for months. There are certain chemicals or even bacteria (good bacteria) to keep it from rotten.

There are plenty of consumers right now chooses to have a healthy living to avoid certain illnesses. But still, healthy lifestyle includes not only foods but also physical and mental fitness. Even how healthy food that we eat everyday but we don’t have the proper exercises our body is weak and still prone for any certain illness.

Like any athletes they have their supplements and very specific diet especially to those athletes where in combat sports. Boxers and Martial Artist do really take good care of their diet. Sometimes we heard a boxer is only eating more on Protein and Low Carbs or even no Carbs at all. Sophisticated isn’t it? But we aren’t boxer and martial artist that needs that kind of sophisticated diet but still we could them a model which how much serious they are when it comes to their lifestyle.

For an average person like us, sometimes, we forget our health which causes for us to be vulnerable to any sickness or illnesses. We oversee the outcome when we forgot our lifestyle because of the instant food supplies, instant services, and etc. offered for us by the market. Even these foods and services make our life easier but it makes our life shorter.

Imagine, you can prepare a meal in less than an half an hour. But, that time we are preparing our meal is also a kind of lifestyle that makes us healthy making an effort for each meal. An, average person should walked or step more than 10,000 times to have healthy heart. Now, we could hardly make half of it because of the transportation available.

There are some services that could create a healthy lifestyle. You could enroll into a self defence classes in London to learn to be healthy at the same time you will learn how to defend yourself. Life is a choice, it is up to you if you want to spend your life happy and healthy. Chinese people have this Kung fu lifestyle that they have to train their body to be healthy. They eat rice, noodles and etc. which have lots of carbs. Kung fu in London could be different but turns out to be each student chooses to be healthy. Even we have differences in our culture still we choose to have a healthy lifestyle.

Where do you Want to Learn Martial Arts?

Do you want to learn martial arts? Probably yes. There are plenty of Martial Arts schools offers different kind of techniques and styles. And now, it also offered on video tutorials that can be viewed or bought by anyone. Just log to their website or any online stores and there you have it. It is really nice that to have this kind of technology which give you the convenience of learning at home. But, is learning at home could be worthy rather than learning on a gym?

Martial art teaches delicate knowledge either how to defend or attack your opponent. Most martial art schools test their skills trough a friendly sparring or on a competition. These skills should never to use to harm others. Basically, martial arts even though it is an individual sports still you need some partner to test the skills you have learn. If you are learning from a video tutorials you can’t or either of you doesn’t know both your limitation that could result to injuries or even worst. There are techniques which involve choking, breaking, and smashing that could be devastating if you don’t know how to perform it at first. Even professionals or masters could have some injuries how much more for beginners.

Thought video tutorials are convenient and not prohibited but dangerous. A kung fu lessons London gyms don’t just offer the martial art teachings but also companions. Companions are also factors of rapid improvement of your skills. Sharing of ideas and techniques could build your perfection of the art. Sometimes we need some criticism and ideas from others to learn.  These are the advantages of learning in gyms.

There are some issues that martial art are involved. It is allegedly describe as one of the reasons of London riot last August and until now. Martial arts could be brutal but it is a discipline. It could be thought to anyone and learned by anyone. Frankly, Martial Arts have the Yin and the Yang which means it has balance. The one who controls the balance is the one who teach the art.

The one reason why we want to study martial arts is self defence and self defence classes in London doesn’t offer this but also the discipline and fitness of body and mind. If you want to learn, learn it from the instructor not just on video where they will teach you the right way and the only way to learn martial arts. It wouldn’t be a hustle if you could walked or travel for a distance to learn but it is also a form of mind exercise the determination to learn. In other way, martial art is not just learning in instant.

Solving Obesity Through Sports

Have you experienced being bullied or being a bully? Well, most of us experience that moment of our life either in both ways. The most number of children are being bullied are found out to be Obese not as what we expected that Obese children are who bully. Overweight children usually tend to end up being bullied because of their appearance. But, the worst thing of all is that they aren’t healthy in and outside. They’re bullied and they have large potential having heart diseases.

Sometimes, overweight people considered to be healthy which is really not. Our body is measured through Body Mass Index (BMI) which is calculated by, using this formula from International Standard, your Body Mass over squared of your height. Your BMI will know be compared to the standard weather what category you are. Below 18.6 is considered Underweight, in between 18.5 to 24.9 is normal, in between 25 to 29.9 is overweight, and BMI of 30 greater is considered as Obese. So, what is you BMI?

Obesity can be obtained from unhealthy Lifestyle from the diet to our daily activity. There are lots of children prepared to stay at home and eat a lot rather playing outside with the other children. Some study shows that society is one of the attribute for obesity. Being obese is really a problem of various reasons. It is best for them to have a healthy lifestyle able for them to mingle with the society and active to prevent any health problems.

One of the choices for them is to enroll them in sports which they could be in a society as well as being physically active. This will helps to improve the child’s self esteem and get there life back in the society. There are lots of sports they could enroll into like Martial Arts.

Martial art isn’t just an art of combat but also wonderful exercises. It is rigid and weight losing sports. Isn’t just an art of fighting but also an art of self-defence which most of the people want to learn. Some study shows that it almost rear that a martial artist is involved in any crimes which totally opposite most of the people thinking especially the politicians when London riots occur.

Self defence classes in London teaches there student to be disciplined, not to be a bully, and respect. The art of discipline is one teaching of Martial Arts. Like to other sports which physical strength and personal fitness for oneself is required Martial arts add responsibility. Each martial artist is responsible for its actions.

There are plenty Martial Arts in London schools which you and obese children, or even not, to enroll where you can learn the art.

Sports for Healthy Lifestyle

Obesity, there are 60.8 percent of adults and 31.1 percent of children are obese according to BBC.  In this Medical condition of patients may suffer from heart related diseases. If you’re big and fat it doesn’t mean you’re healthy. One of the common causes of this condition is losing their healthy lifestyle. Exercise must one of the healthy habits in our daily life. A ten minutes workout would be enough but if you want to get in shape and fit. You may enroll to a gym even once a week and, of course, having a good exercise most also had proper diet.

A long week of work could lead you to stressful and unhealthy lifestyle. Enrolling into a gym could help you coup-up with your life and a relief. Having an exercise even alone is healthy. Enrolling in a gym will be healthier. It is much better to get out from your routine and take away your stress from work even for a day. Being healthy doesn’t mean you’re just physically fit but also mentally as well.

You should mingle and laugh a while outside from your box. There is plenty of workaholic people get ill even we thought they are physically fit because they’re that active. It would be much better if you are into a team sport or a competitive. Playing football with your workmate might be good for all of you or playing tennis with a friend will be enough. Not just eating, drinking and slouching watching the league with them in a big screen in your living room. Stress and fat could lead to heart common illness much worst of all you’re getting fat. Fat burning through exercises could lose weight as well as being healthy.

Recreational sports are one of the most of the people are doing. It new and it is exiting. One of those sports is mixed martial arts. MMA in London is active and quite popular because of UFC. Gyms are also offering different kinds of style or what we called discipline which you could enroll. It is healthy, there are many different people you could mingle, and you could learn self defence.

MMA is truly fat burning sport which could give you fitness and mentally active. You could learn different kinds of techniques style of fighting like Boxing, Grappling, kicking and so much more. With different style you could mixed it as your own.

If you are in London and you are fun of Chinese martial art movies, there are also kung fu lesson London gyms that you could enroll and learn kung fu. Kung Fu and Martial Arts are the same and doesn’t differ too much in techniques but differ in comes to their method of training, but still, both are effective on losing weight, being healthy, and self defence.

Skills with Responsibilities

I came to visit a good friend of mine in his Do Jang (Taekwando Gym). He teaches kids with ages of 5 to 12. I was lucky when I was there when there was new batch of children and none of them wearing colored belts. It was summer and most of the kids in different activities but I was wondering why they choose martial arts rather than dancing, singing, or other workshop. Since then, every time the kids has a session I come to visit them and followed them how they learn the art.

Since they where children they are not easy to control like the other people. They get run around-and-round in the gym and play around. After weeks with them, I saw some big improvements like being disciplined and respectful to each other.

I came to wonder, why Martial Arts is link to violence happening in the society which is totally opposite to its teaching. These children where teach not to a fight outside the mat and away from the gym. The children really do as what they told.

Sometimes, instructors tend to teach everyone because of money. They are choking their pride because of their financial needs and they don’t care who they are teaching too. There are students, really, tried to learn the skills in martial arts just to bully but they don’t learn their philosophy.

I am a martial artist in almost a decade. I have friends who also join to learn martial arts and most of us where teenagers at that time. We have 4 instructors with different styles but they are in common on teaching us Sanshou. The first thing I learned is how to give some respect to the seniors and that is bowing with a knuckle overlap by an open hand. It is a Chinese bowing. One of our instructors told me that the knuckle symbolizes strength and the open hand is control.

Martial art is truly a discipline. But, one day, one of our fellow martial artists came across in a fight and I ask him why and he never answers my question. I just heard some rumors about him that he’s a tempered person and he’s parents enrolled him to martial art gym to control his temper. But, when one of our instructors knows what happened, he was warned no do it again and he never comes back. I heard he was in other martial art gym.

I guess, discipline and respect are easily learned by the young ones rather than to the elders. As what they said “Old horses can’t learn new tricks”.

There are different kinds of martial artist. There are martial artist trains for fame and money, for healthy living, and too messed around. I could not blame them, I couldn’t pen point who likes to join but somehow I understand. Martial Art is not perfect but it could be learned.

Traditional Against Modern Martial Arts

Which is much better, the Traditional Martial Arts or the Modern Martial Arts. This is one of the questions comparing to different times. We all know that we can’t bring the past to the future. Seems like people likes to mesmerizing and wondering who would when in a match of two different times. Computer games, simulates a character from past and the present fighters which may take them to assume their conclusion who was much better fighter. And somehow also triggers me to asking “who was much better martial artist, the Traditional Martial Arts or the Modern Martial Arts?”

 I search names from the history which tag as a Greatest Warrior and these three fill my list. One, Masutatsu Oyama ( Choi Yeung-Eui ) a Korean Migrant to Japan who was the founder of Kyokushinkai. Oyama fought and won almost all the Karate Masters of Japan to test his Martial Arts. He trained himself with traditional training which includes punching and kicking either wood or clay. These martial art focuses Strength, Judo, and powerful blows. Imagine Punching wood or clay that would make your hands hard as steel if broke either of these two.

Second, was Bruce Lee, the famous actor and a martial artist founded Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee was known how powerful side kick and Modernity of his style which also known to be first mixed martial arts at that there time. But, what makes it Jeet Kune Do specialize on its quick reflexes and quick powerful blows.

And the last one is Ip Man, the legendary instructor of Bruce Lee and known to be the founder of Wingchun Martial Arts. Technically, these martial arts were taken from woman fighting style but every effective during when it needed. Traditionally, they have their wooden dummy used for their training.

Compared to modern martial arts, we have the privileges using the modern equipment that we could use unlikely to the traditional which is very brutal. We have the gears to wear during the fight. Then there’s nothing to compare-off, because everything was way too different between times. Just be thankful that Traditional Martial Arts were founded to be the foundation of the Modern Martial Arts.

Even, how the modern the world has changed there are still traditions that’s will respected and practiced together with the modern one. There are schools of Martial Arts in London that teaches modern and traditional styles like wingchun. Although, wingchun was not known for Mixed Martial Arts fight but it’s very effective use for self defence.

Self defence classes in London gyms are widely spreading teaching both modern and traditional practice in martial arts that surely gives you a lot more values. Martial Arts is not only in the art of fighting but also the art of accepting, respecting, discipline, and the art of life.

Warming Up Routine

Warming up must be the most important routine during any exercises not just in sports but any activities. There is vocalization for the singers, tuning for the musicians and etc. Even machines though, needs warming up.  But, why it is important especially to the athletes?

Warming up routines is necessary to any workout or practices. This is to prepare your muscles and joints for further severe exercise helps in avoiding any injuries, as well as promoting blood circulation. Warm-up routines increase and stabilize the temperature of the body, making the muscles more flexible and receptive to intense exercises and burn fats too. Most experts even advise that you engage in warm-up routines before stretching. Warming up should slightly increase and stabilize the heart rate but not to the level experienced during the entire workout.

But, what are the differences between warming up and stretching? What comes first and comes after? First, you get to loosen up. Simply, make your body comfortable like loosen up your nick, arm, wrist, knee, and ankle or simply the joints of your body by rotating. Do it in 3 sets with 16 counts of rotation. Then walk for a couple of minutes then jog slowly. Just to make you awake during your workout. When you are getting sweat and you heart rate is increase. Start breast walking a little faster and do breathing exercises (inhale and exhale exercises). While walking, as much as possible, breath with your nose not with your mouth wide open, and then jog a little until your heart rate is stabilize and you already sweating a lot. If you are catching you breathe do the breathing exercises if it is needed. My best advice is to wear a sweater, jacket, or etc.

After you heart rate seems stabilize, begin stretching from your head to toe. Stretch as much as possible to loosen you muscles and don’t jump any sequence. I know it’s hard but necessary. Imagine having sprains or any injury while you are in the game or even just in the exercise. Injuries like this could lead to serious problem.

Kickboxing in London practitioners do spend a lot more time in warming up and treated it seriously. It would take forty-five minutes to one hour of getting warmed up before the severe practice and how much more during training weeks preparing for the fight. After the whole routine of warming up, we go start to stretching making our muscles and joints to prepare for the basic routine until to advance. After the rigid exercise, if there is warming up there would be also cooling down. This routine relaxes your body as well as your heart rate.

If you want to learn more about exercises and how to be in shape, enroll at any Self defence classes in London.